jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

Formulation Development and New Strategies in the Classroom, into the Search for New Learning Processes

Formulation Development and New Strategies in the Classroom, into the Search for New Learning Processes
The relentless pursuit of knowledge, we restate the need to look out the window futuristic vision of learning new strategies for the development and acquisition of abilities and skills by the learner through the guidance and instruction from their teachers .

The find in a century of scientific and technological breakthroughs, it is given, the arrival of amazing sociocultural transformations in the global society, what makes us revitalize the need to study, critically and scientifically these important changes, derived from the major renovations of discoveries and contributions from our generating agents of change.

Our Education, a part of these great transformations, for the simple fact that the models of teaching and learning technology have evolved, taking advantage of today the use of tools like the Internet, social networking, chat, e Mail, Messenger, Skype, among others, giving the creation of spaces for interaction between learners and teachers through online education.

Some of these major events make us recap, that old models of teaching have been metamorphosing, to the relentless pursuit of continuous improvement, so it is important not to neglect the teaching faculty through lectures, but go complementing the virtual model as balance.

He mentions "Diaz and Hernandez in his paper Teaching Strategies for Promoting Significant Learning. The Learning Strategies research has focused on the field of so-called Strategic Learning through design intervention models whose purpose is to equip students with effective strategies for improvement in specific domain areas and p 2, 1999.

It is important to note that the twenty-first century learning has evolved in terms of seeking new forms of knowledge, through models such as multiple intelligences that Howard mentions Garnerd, so what is important to take into account that in the classroom find all types of students, in terms of processes of assimilation of knowledge is concerned, therefore one can not neglect the true mission of Teaching, which is able to contribute to the development and growth of Pupils, and seek other strategic actions that take, to understand the assimilation of knowledge acquired during their education.

Since now, our center of university education, students are receiving, with different situations and needs, and one of these realities is the Curricular Adaptations process, which is becoming a new challenge and challenge in the classroom , to which our teachers should be, trained as possible, to these situations and to use learning strategies that allow the learner to be able to develop, in a friendly and enthusiastic.

We must take into account that "Damaris Diaz mentions in his paper the following University Teaching. Continuing education of Professor should be a natural way of being and assumed as such, especially when each teacher and his students discovered the profound richness that comes from each classroom and each school as question marks natural, culture and modes of self-questioning same, p 71, 2001.

Different models of teaching methods exist, according to culture, customs and traditions of each nation, but it is here comes the big question of being eclectic, taking the best of each model methodological framework for teaching and refuse the negative, the same exploit this rich source of knowledge, which helped us to implement learning strategies, and create enthusiasm and empathy towards the students, in the specialty they are studying.

It is imperative to emphasize that the classroom should become a center for training, research and laboratory experiments, that the same teachers and students feel excited by new discoveries, which may come to give, within the framework of strategies are implemented through the use of tools such as case theory, development and product design, debates on current issues, discussion in virtual spaces, implementation of quantitative and qualitative models, which are put into practice, with knowledge do know how to learn.

For the above models should be created classroom lessons, where students also participate, the opportunity to expose thong scientific project, through virtual technology, justifying the conduct of professional input and suggestions through the presentation simulation models that will allow the full growth of his powers in terms of developing their skills.

The purposes of the facts cited above form is to facilitate the creation of human talent, capable of serving society, community and country, with the creation of thought leadership, through the mental and psychology, where the same teacher is able to diagnose the needs of their learners, and cash them leading to the discovery of his own powers.

The twenty-first century shows challenges and challenges, we must go slowly facing towards the development of teacher and student, to find our paths and challenges that lead to the pursuit of excellence.

Literature CitedTirado Barron Maria Concepcion. University Teaching and Teaching Skills. IISUE-UNAM. NO 125. 2009.Damaris Diaz. The University teaching an Alternative for Transforming Education. Vol 10. 2001.

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